
To provide careers education, information, advice and guidance
To help develop a sense of self-awareness and motivation, to enable pupils to investigate the career options available

Mrs Ryan
Mrs Deehan
Mr Wilson
Miss O’Neill
Miss McGibbon
"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."
- Confucius
Key Stage 3
In years 8, 9 and 10, CEIAG is delivered as part of the Learning for Life and Work programme. All pupils receive 1 employability class per week, with additional time allocated in year 10 to ensure that pupils are appropriately prepared to make their GCSE option choices in the spring term.
Pupils in Year 8 receive 1 period per week delivered by a subject specialist. They will have a general introduction to Careers in the Boys’ Model School with content including:
Transition from Primary School
Developing an understanding of subject terminology
Introduced to Careers platforms, e.g. Unifrog
Opportunities to develop their Entrepreneurial skills through project work
Pupils in Years 9 and 10 will complete a careers programme as part of the pastoral period. Topics include:
Sources of help
Future Career trends
Career stereotypes
Subject choices
Decision making
Key Stage 4
All Year 11 Careers classes follow a GCSE level course, which provides opportunities to understand and develop employability skills. This is either GCSE Learning for Life and Work or BTEC Public Services.
In addition, all year 11 pupils have Careers classes, with year 12 pupils compiling the progress file portfolio, which they receive at the end of year 12.
Careers Service NI Interviews
All year 12 pupils receive a personal career planning interview with a member of the Careers Service team. This very beneficial service ensures that all pupils receive impartial and up to date advice about the current labour market. For more information see www.nidirect.gov.uk/careers.
Pupils in Years 11 and 12 will be taught Careers education through a 6 week block delivered through the pastoral period. Topics covered include the following:
Exploring Post 16 options
CV completion
Rights and responsibilities at work
Workplace responsibilities
Post 16
Year 13 pupils follow a programme to develop employability and personal management skills, related to the world of work and finances, this includes:
completion of application forms
CV and cover letter workshops
Interview workshops
Mock interviews
Money matters- managing personal finances
Unifrog- job and progression route research
Work Shadowing
The Year 14 Careers programme concentrates on preparing pupils for various Post 18 pathways, to include:
UCAS completion (Application to Universities)
Belfast Met applications (and other regional colleges, when relevant)
Work + applications (Higher Level Apprenticeships)
Part-time degrees
Student Finance
Recruitment processes- aptitude tests etc.
Additional activities include Mock Interviews, work shadowing...
​Year 14 pupils complete the University and College Application System (UCAS). This process includes visits to Queen’s and Ulster University open days and the subsequent research into the university courses. Applications are also made to local further education establishments including Belfast Metropolitan College and Northern Regional College.
Access to Careers Information
Outside the classroom, career information is available in the school library, in the careers library and through the use of the Unifrog platform. This resource gives our students access to a plethora of resources associated with careers, to include quizzes, job information, progression routes and job selection processes. It generates bespoke information for an individual and allows pupils to complete a personalised portfolio.
Partner Organisations
The Belfast Boys’ Model CEIAG Department works in partnership with other organisations to ensure that the careers education programme is engaging and innovative. These partners deliver a range of interactive and exciting workshops to ensure that pupils in all key stages have the information they need to make appropriate decisions related to their Personal Career planning.
Examples of additional activities:
Young Enterprise, e.g. ‘Blast Off’
Labour Market Trends
Science Technology Engineering and Maths (STEM)workshops
Business in the Community- CV and interview skills.
Key Stage 4 Study Skills
Preparation for Job Application Post -16 Options
Post 16 Interview Technique
Labour market information
Producing a CV
Additional Information
If you require additional information regarding the CEIAG programme in Belfast Boys’ Model School, contact Mrs Nuala Ryan
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