
To develop all pupils’ communication skills, ensuring they experience success in reading, writing, and speaking and listening.
For pupils to grow in confidence as they achieve mastery in English, and become equipped with the skills necessary to succeed in future study and employment.
To develop their independence and their ability to think critically.
To develop the ability to analyse and respond meaningfully to the views of others, ranging from points of view they encounter during peer discussions in class, to those of published authors and speakers.

Mrs L Warren
Mrs Chesnutt
Miss Farquhar
Mrs Farr
Mrs McDowell
Miss McLaughlin
Miss Watson
Mrs Scullion
Mrs Williamson
"Books help us understand who we are and how we are to behave. They show us what community and friendship mean; they show us how to live and die."
- Anne Lamott
Key Stage 3
All pupils study English at Key Stage 3. The department makes use of ICT including multimedia in the delivery of an exciting curriculum. The skills required at GCSE are introduced and developed throughout Key Stage 3.
Year 8
All About Me
The Study of Written Language: “Holes” by Louis Sachar
The Study of Spoken Language: Accent and Dialect
Shakespeare: “Julius Caesar”
Reading Media Texts: Comic Covers
Reading Non-Fiction
Creative Writing
Year 9
The Study of Written Language: “Private Peaceful” by Michael Morpurgo
The Study of Spoken Language: Interviews
Shakespeare: “Romeo and Juliet”
Reading Media Texts: Film Posters
Reading Non-Fiction
Creative Writing
Year 10
Social Media
The Study of Written Language: “Blood Brothers” by Willy Russell
The Study of Spoken Language: Motivational Speech
Shakespeare – “Macbeth”
Reading Media Texts: DVD covers
Writing for Audience and Purpose and Reading Non-Fiction
Creative Writing
Introducing “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck
Key Stage 4
All pupils study the CCEA GCSE English Language specification which is assessed through four units:
Unit 1: Writing for Purpose and Audience and Reading to Access Non-Fiction and Media Texts
Unit 2: Speaking and Listening
Unit 3: Studying Spoken and Written Language
Unit 4: Personal or Creative Writing and Reading Literary and Non-Fiction Texts
CCEA GCSE English Literature is offered to selected English groupings. This specification is comprised of three units:
Unit 1: The Study of Prose
Unit 2: The study of Drama and Poetry
Unit 3: The Study of Shakespeare
Post 16
Any pupil who does not achieve a grade C in English Language by the end of year 12 is given the opportunity to re-sit the CCEA GCSE.
Skills Developed
Communication skills
Time management
Working with others
ICT skills
Managing information
Career Areas
Translation Services
Speech Therapy
Forensic Linguistics
Social Work