
Teachers possess strong subject knowledge and a genuine enthusiasm for geography, inspiring students through their expertise and passion 
Develop pupils' ability to ask insightful questions, through investigations and geographical enquiry 
Empower students to become independent learners 
Equip pupils with the knowledge to comprehend the major issues affecting our world and to grasp the social, economic, and physical forces that shape and transform our planet. 

Mrs McCracken
Miss McGibbon 
Miss Forbes
Mrs Jones
Mrs Higgins
Miss Pickering
"Everything has to do with geography."
- Judy Martz
Key Stage 3
All pupils study Geography at Key Stage 3, it is a progressive department using Active Learning in the teaching of the subject content to ensure a deep understanding of the key ideas. Topics studied at this level include:
Year 8
How to be an Outstanding Geographer in BBMS
Clothes To Die For – Fast Fashion 
Year 9
The Restless Earth
Population & Migration
Year 10
Weather & Climate
World Conflict
Key Stage 4
Pupils study the CCEA Geography specification, 80% exam & 20% Fieldwork Skills & Techniques in Geography. Topics studied include:
Unit 1: Understanding our Natural World
External exam, 1 hour 30 minutes, 40%
A: River Environments
B: Coastal Environments
C: Our Changing Weather & Climate
D: The Restless Earth
Unit 2: Living in Our World
External exam, 1 hour 30 minutes, 40%
A: Population & Migration
B: Changing Urban Areas
C: Contrasts in World Development
D: Managing our Environment
Unit 3: Fieldwork
External written examination, 1 hour, 20%
Students base their answers on their knowledge and experience of fieldwork.
Skills Developed
Independent research and data collection
Developing, constructing & defending an argument
Statistical analysis
Time management and the ability to meet deadlines
Handling information
Planning & Problem-Solving
Working with others
Ability to understand complex concepts
ICT skills
Creative thinking and the ability to recognise the moral and ethical issues involved in debates
Written and oral communications skills
Career Areas
Tourism – travel agent, TV researcher, Holiday representative
Environmental health officer
Architect or urban planner
Environmental engineer
Estate agent
Town planner
Social researcher
GIS Officer