Government & Politics

To develop knowledge and understanding about political power, parties and systems
To understand how government works in various countries
To compare systems of government across the globe
To understand how power is used in contemporary society

Mrs McDowell
Mr Craig
Mr Dickey
Mr McClelland
"To say you have no choice is to relieve yourself of responsibility."
- Patrick Ness
Pupils will study CCEA Government and Politics.
Pupils complete an exam at the end of Year 11, worth 50% of the overall mark.
Unit 1: Democracy in action
• Dictatorship and democracy
• Parliament and Stormont
• Elections and voting
• The Media
• Pressure Groups
• Political Parties
Post 16
Pupils also complete an exam at the end of Year 12, worth 50%.
Unit 2: International politics in action
• Conflict and co-operation between nations
• Conflict and terrorism
• United Nations and NATO
• Northern Ireland: The Troubles and their aftermath
• Migration and human trafficking
Government and Politics - CCEA
Pupils complete two exams at the end of Year 13 worth 40% of the overall mark. At the end of Year 14, pupils complete two exams, worth 60% of the overall mark.
AS Module 1: The Government and Politics of Northern Ireland
N. Ireland government institutions
N. Ireland Political Parties
AS Module 2: The British Political Process
The UK Executive
The UK Legislature
Pressure Groups
A2 Module 1: Comparative Government UK/USA
The US Executive
The US Legislature
US Pressure Groups
Comparative government
A2 Module 2: Political Power
Factors involved in the exercise of Political Power
Theories of Political Power
Skills Developed
Research, analysis and critical awareness
Developing, constructing and defending an argument
Working independently and self-management
Handling information
Communication and presentation
Working with others to achieve common goals
Ability to understand complex concepts
Career Areas
Civil Service
Management (Public and Private Sector)
Entertainment and Leisure
Diplomatic Service
Transport Management
Public Relations and Communications
Armed Services
Social Work
Political and Charitable Organizations
Teaching in School, FE and HE