
To develop skills & knowledge to make informed choices about nutrition and lifestyle
Participate in visits to travel & tourism organisations and destinations
To help pupils to plan, prioritise and meet deadlines, work independently and within teams

Mrs S Todd
Miss O’Neill
Mrs Brown
Mr Hanna
Mrs Higgins
Dr Mullan
Mrs Parra
Miss Pickering
Miss Quinn
Mrs Beck (Technician)
"Customers may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel."
Key Stage 3
12-week modular course each year
Year 8
Healthy Eating
Year 9
Healthy Eating
Home and Family Life
Year 10
Healthy Eating
​Independent Living
Key Stage 4
Edexcel BTEC Level 2 First Award in Hospitality
25% external exam 75% portfolio. Four units completed:
Introducing the Hospitality Industry
Working in the Hospitality Industry
Food Safety and Health and Safety in Hospitality
Planning, Preparing, Cooking and Finishing Food
CCEA Occupational Studies
100% coursework. Two units completed:
Contemporary Cuisine
Patisserie and Baking
WJEC Level 3 Applied Diploma in Food Science and Nutrition
Three units that will lead to the acquisition of knowledge and understanding in purposeful, work-related contexts, linked to the food production industry.
Meeting the Needs of Specific Groups
Ensuring Food is Safe to Eat
Current Issues in Food Science and Nutrition
Edexcel BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Hospitality
100% coursework
7 units completed over 2 years looking at various elements of the Hospitality Industry, Customer Service and Dishes from Around the World.
OCN NI Level 2 Certificate in Vocational Skills (Year 13 – 1 Year Course)
2 out of the 5 units taught through Hospitality
100% coursework
Units to be completed:
Handling Food Safely
Food Preparation and Cooking Skills
Post 16
Skills Developed
Practical Cookery Skills
Time Management
Problem Solving
Decision Making
Consumer Awareness
Personal and Social Skills
Observation Skills
Career Areas
Hospitality Industry
Fast Food Outlets
Travel and Tourism Industry
Travel Agents
Tour Guides
Leisure Industry