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House System


House System

Belfast Boys’ Model Schools House System is designed to incorporate the values and ethos of the school and aims to be an integral part of our school community. It creates competition, promotes good work ethic, behaviour, encourages teamwork and provides opportunities to take on responsibilities within the school.


All staff and pupils belong to one of four Houses: Kelvin, Branagh, Lewis and Gregg.


Once assigned to their House, pupil’s wear a House badge and staff wear a House lanyard to identify which House they belong to. This develops the social solidarity, where pupils and staff feel a sense of belonging to something within their school.


Staff House Captains

Mrs Todd

Pupil House Captains




Staff House Captains

Mrs McCracken

Mrs Black

Pupil House Captains

Josh Doherty




Staff House Captains

Pupil House Captains


Staff House Captains

Mr Reid

Mrs Busby

Pupil House Captains



Bryce Reid

House Aims

  • Provide pupils and staff with a sense of belonging in school

  • Promote engagement and interaction between staff and pupils in different year groups

  • Encourage pupils to become involved within school life

  • Provide pupils with opportunities to develop leadership skills

  • Promote pupil voice in competitions

  • Encourage healthy competitions between Houses

How To Earn House Points

Many activities run throughout the year so that pupils and staff can earn House points. Each House point awarded to pupils automatically adds to the overall House total. Pupils are awarded House Points for participating in House competitions, such as weekly quizzes, sporting events, Departmental challenges, bake offs, Sports Day and bake sales. Throughout the year, the Houses also work with a range of charities to raise awareness and money.


Pupils can also earn House Points by taking part in extra-curricular activities, for representing the school, excellent attendance and gaining reward points. All points are added up towards a cumulative House total. Competition between the Houses is fierce, with very competitive staff and pupils. House Points are updated at the end of every week and shared with pupils through the House noticeboard and BBMS weekly.


At the end of every academic year, the House with the most points is awarded the ‘Olwen Black House Cup’.

House Events Gallery

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