ICT & Computing

The ICT/Computing Department aims to:
Develop, maintain and stimulate students’ inquisitiveness, interest and enjoyment in using ICT and Computing
Develop pupils’ competence in a range of computing and ICT skills
Develop pupils’ ability to manage and present information effectively through the use of ICT
Enable pupils to develop transferable ICT skills that can be applied to situations across all curriculum subjects
Enable pupils to make reasoned, mature decisions on the usability and appropriateness of data and resources
Enable pupils to develop an understanding of the use of ICT and Computing in commerce, business and industry
Enable pupils to develop an understanding of computational thinking skills

Mrs Buchanan
Mr Patterson
Mr Poots
Mrs Carey
Mrs Ryan
Miss Stewart
Mrs Drury
Miss Wedge
Mr Robinson
Mr Curtis (Senior Technician)
Mr Larkin (Technician)
"I think it’s fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we’ve ever created… and they can be shaped by their user."
- Bill Gates
Key Stage 3
The course aims to prepare pupils with appropriate ICT and Computing skills. To broaden their knowledge and understanding in a wide range of application areas so to enable the effective use of ICT across all their subjects and eventually within the world of work.
Year 8
Computer safety and personal safety
Email Etiquette
ESafety & Cyber safety
General software applications – MS PowerPoint, MS Word, Excel, internet
Programming with SCRATCH
Multimedia design
Viruses and Cybersecurity
Year 9 (Intermediate Level)
Computer safety and personal safety
Email Etiquette
ESafety & Cyber safety
General software applications – MS PowerPoint, MS Word, Excel, internet
Multimedia design
Web Development
Digital Movie Maker
Year 10 (Advanced Level)
Computer safety and personal safety
Email Etiquette
ESafety & Cyber safety
General software applications – MS PowerPoint, MS Word, Excel, internet
Python Programming and AI
CCEA, Digital Technology (Multimedia Route)
Unit 1: Digital Technology - 30%
Unit 2: Digital Authoring Concepts - 40%
Unit 3: Digital Authoring Practice - 30%
CCEA GCSE Digital Technology (Programming Route)
Unit 1: Digital Technology - 30%
Unit 4: Digital Development Concepts - 40%
Unit 5: Digital Development Practice - 30%
OCN NI, Level 2 Certificate in IT Applications
Unit 1: Digital Technology  
Unit 2: Email Software Skills 
Unit 3: Multimedia Software 
Unit 4: Presentation Software 
Unit 5: Word Processing Software
Method of Assessment and value
All units are assessed through portfolios/coursework. 
Assessment Grade B or Fail 
Post 16
Information Technology
Course Details: BTEC Nationals Level 3 Extended Certificate in IT
Unit 1: Information Technology Systems
Unit 2: Creating Systems to Manage Information
Unit 3: Using Social Media in Business mandatory coursework
Unit 5: Data Modelling mandatory coursework
Course Details: BTEC Nationals Level 3 Diploma in IT
Unit 1: Information Technology Systems 
Unit 2: Creating Systems to Manage Information 
Unit 3: Using Social Media in Business 
Unit 4 Programming 
Unit 5: Data Modelling 
Unit 9: IT Project Management 
Unit 11: Cyber Security and Incident Management 
Unit 18: Digital Animation and Effects
Skills Developed
Word Processing
Digital Sound
Digital Video
Explore – access, manage, research and interpret information
Express – create, develop and present information
Exchange – communicate and share
Evaluate – review, reflect and improve work
Career Areas
Computer Operator
User Support Manager
IT Software Trainer
Web designer
Web Analyst
Graphic Designer
Software Engineer
ICT Teacher
ICT Technician
Games Software Designer