Media Studies

To equip pupils with analytical skills
To equip pupils with wide-ranging skills in media technology and ICT
To give pupils the confidence to express themselves both individually and as part of a team
To develop in pupils’ the ability to ask questions and to be inquisitive, in order to make balanced judgments

Mrs Bryans
Mrs Deehan
Mr McManus
Miss Moore
Mr Robinson
"When I’m making a film, I’m the audience."
- Martin Scorsese
Key Stage 3
At this level pupils are introduced to the creative element of Media Studies. Pupils will create a media text and then evaluate their work over a 12-week period. The applications used are:
Year 9: Photoshop to create a film poster
Year 10: iMovie to create a film trailer
This course is part of the media awareness element of the curriculum and develops pupil skills that are transferable to other subjects, particularly English
Key Stage 4
Component 1: Exploring the Media Written examination
Section A: Exploring Media Language and Representation
​Section B: Exploring Media Industries and Audiences ​
Component 2: Understanding Media Forms and Products Written examination
Section A: Television​
Section B: Music (music videos and online media)
Component 3: Creating Media Products Non-exam assessment
An individual media production for an intended audience in response to a choice of briefs set by WJEC, applying knowledge and understanding of media language and representation.
Level 2 Occupational Studies
This course is 100% portfolio work over two units
Unit 1: Digital Imaging
Unit 2: TV and Film Production
Post 16
Level 3 - Media Studies
Exam Board: WJEC
The course is made up of four units:
Units 1 & 2 are part of the AS qualification and are studied in Year 13
Units 3 & 4 make up the A2 level and are studied in Year 14.
Units studied:
Unit 1: Investigating The Media - 24%
Unit 2: Creating a Media Production - 16%
Unit 3: Media in a Global Age - 36%
Unit 4: Creating a Cross-Media Production - 24%
Skills Developed
Pupils will develop skills in the use of:
Digital compact cameras
Digital SLR
Digital video cameras
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe InDesign
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Apple iMovie
Career Areas
Video Production
Event Management
Public Relations
Digital Imaging and Graphic Design