
To stimulate pupils’ curiosity and enthusiasm to develop a sense of wonder in science
To develop skills in scientific methods of enquiry
To engage pupils to develop understanding of the processes of science as well as content of scientific knowledge

Mrs Butterworth
Ms Open
Dr Clarke
Ms Doyle
Mr McBride
Mr Smith
​Dr McMurray
"Scientists have become the bearers of the torch of discovery in our quest for knowledge."
- Stephen Hawking
Key Stage 3
Year 8
Starting science
Living things and cells
Solids, liquids and gases
Acids and alkalis
Electric circuits
Photosynthesis and feeding relationships
Year 9
Food and health
Elements compounds and mixtures
Circulation and respiration
Energy forms and resources
Identifying substances
Key Stage 4
Year 10
Atomic structure and bonding
Disease and defence
Rates of reaction and reactivity
Consists of 3 essential internally assessed portfolio units:
Physical Processes.
Life Processes and Living Things.
Materials and their Chemical Properties.
How it is Assessed
100% Internally assessed portfolio work
This is NOT suitable foundation for Post-16 Science.
GCSE Single Award Science, CCEA
Unit 1 Biology
Unit 2 Chemistry
Unit 3 Physics
Unit 4 Practical Skills - Practical skills assessment - External written examination​
How it is Assessed
3 x 1 hour written examinations (Biology, Physics and Chemistry)
1 x 2 hour Practical (experimental) examination followed by a 1 hour written examination (Booklet B)
GCSE Double Award Science, CCEA
Year 11
Biology Unit B1: Cells, Living Processes and Biodiversity
Chemistry Unit C1: Structures, Trends, Chemical Reactions, Quantitative Chemistry and Analysis
Physics Unit P1: Motion, Force, Moments, Energy, Density, Kinetic Theory, Radioactivity, Nuclear Fission & Fusion
Year 12
Biology Unit B2: Body Systems, Genetics, Microorganisms and Health
Chemistry Unit C2: Further Chemical Reactions, Rates and Equilibrium, Calculations and Organic Chemistry
Physics Unit P2: Waves, Light, Electricity, Magnetism, Electromagnetism and Space Physics
Unit 7: Practical Skills - this comprises Unit 7 Biology, Unit 7 Chemistry and Unit 7 Physics.
How it is Assessed
3 x 1 hour written examinations (Biology, Physics and Chemistry)
1 x 2 hour Practical (experimental) examination followed by a 1 hour written examination (Booklet B)
Post 16
Exam Board: CCEA. 100% Written examination.
AS Level
Unit AS 1: Molecules and Cells
Unit AS 2: Organisms and Biodiversity
Unit AS 3: Practical Skills in AS Biology, External Assessment 1 Hour Exam plus Internal Practical Assessment​
A2 Level
Unit A2 1: Physiology, Coordination and Control, and Ecosystems, External Assessment
Unit A2 2: Biochemistry, Genetics and Evolutionary Trends, External Assessment
Unit A2 3: Practical Skills in Biology, External Assessment ( 1Hour Exam) plus Internal practical Assessment​
Exam Board: CCEA.
33.3% Internally assessed portfolio
66.6% External Examination
AS Level
Unit AS 1: Experimental Techniques
Unit AS 2: Human Body Systems
Unit AS 3: Aspects of Physical Chemistry in Industrial Processes​
A2 Level
Unit A2 1: Scientific Method, Investigation, Analysis and Evaluation
Unit A2 2: Organic Chemistry
Unit A2 3: Medical Physics​
Skills Developed
Manipulation Skills in Practical Work.
Leadership and Group working Skills
Problem Solving
Career Areas
Environmental Science
Biological Sciences
Marine Biology