Key Stage 3

On this page we will publish documents, presentations and other information that is of particular importance to Key Stage 3 pupils (years 8 - 10) and their parents.

Revision Resources

As part of our KS3 Revision Challenge '20 days to Make a Difference', your son has access to Revision resources (also available in his Year Team) to help him with his upcoming exams. A calendar of study has also been created for him to follow and has been issued with the Parent Bulletin over the last two weeks…

Revision Calendar

Revision Resources

Parent Information PowerPoint

Parent Information Booklet

Assessment Calendar

Homework Calendars

Key Links

Family support NI - Family Support NI is a new online service for families. It has information on childcare and nursery places as well as support services for a range of different issues that teenagers may face.

Lifeline - Lifeline is the Northern Ireland crisis response helpline service for people who are experiencing distress or despair. No matter what your age or where you live in Northern Ireland, if you are or someone you know is in distress or despair, Lifeline is here to help. This service is available to anyone, including young people 24 hours per day, every day of the year.