Blue Whale App

Dear Parents & Guardians, we have recently been made aware of an app known as Blue Whale Challenge that is circulating in social media and pupils are aware of it.  This sets a series of challenges for young people to follow, the final one of which is apparently suicide. The press have reported a huge increase in suicides across Europe in the wake of this ‘sick’ game.  We have no further details at present, but felt that due to the seriousness of this threat we should let parents know so they can talk to their children about the dangers posed by such a "game". We will let you know if we receive any further information on this subject, but suggest that in the meantime the app is deleted from our children's phones, tablets etc.  We will be discussing it with the pupils in Pastoral period next week.  Thank you, the Pastoral Team.

History Trip to Dublin

The Year 14 History class went on their annual educational trip to Dublin to see the sights and learn more about the Easter Rising of 1916. This year was a shared educational trip with the girls from Mercy College and the pupils from Wellington College Belfast. 

Easter Concert

On Friday morning Year 8 & 9 pupils enjoyed a concert given by the Music Department.  This was an opportunity to show case the talent of our pupils and to give those pupils who take peripatetic lessons the chance to perform to a large audience.  The flute band performed a set of songs – It’s a long way to Tipperary, Pack Up Your Troubles and Great Escape followed by the snare drummers who showed off their stick tricks.  A group of guitarists performed songs such as Seven Nation Army, We will Rock You and Castle on a Hill directed by their tutor Mr Rodney Beggs.  We paid tribute to two Year 14 boys who have given much of their time and talent to the Music Department – Curtis Patrick who sang Corner in the Sky from Pippin the musical and Daniel Menabney who played Lambeg drum.  Our FISCA choir (20 of our boys with 20 girls from Mercy College), who won Most Accomplished Senior Choir at the Flax Trust competition in Belfast City Hall in December performed their songs – Starry, Starry Night and Africa.  Marcus McCullough played his Grade 3 flute solo ‘Whistlin’ and the African drummers brought the concert to a rousing finish.

 Mrs Baird and Mrs Brown would like to thank all of the boys who participated in the concert and who have performed in past months and who continue to get involved in music- we are extremely proud of all their efforts!!

Focus on the Future

Boys in Years 11,12 and 13 had the opportunity to talk to a wide range of employers about their job role, the choices they made and the opportunities in the sector they represent. This carousel style event meant pupils could talk to an employer for 5 minutes then move on to another. Both employers and pupils said that this was a very worthwhile event with everyone learning from this important day in the careers calendar.

Tourism Pupils visit the Maldron Hotel

The Year 14 Travel and Tourism classes enjoyed a trip to the Maldron Hotel on Monday. The aim of this trip was to gain an understanding of the customer service provided by the hotel. The pupils arrived in the morning and were greeted by Emmett who then took a question and answer session in the conference room. The pupils were then given a tour of the hotel facilities and enjoyed lunch in the restaurant. This was a very informative and enjoyable day and the pupils gained lots of information for their assignment. Many thanks to Emmett and the staff of the Maldron Hotel who were very welcoming. 

Subject Choice Time....

This week Year 10 and 12 pupils learned about the subject options available to them next year. They heard from subject teachers, had the opportunity to talk to pupils currently studying these subjects, look through samples of pupil work and try some hands-on activities. Pupils will now be asked their preferences and the final choices will be made in the coming weeks. A very successful week thanks to subject teachers and all the pupils who volunteered to be ambassadors for the different subjects.

World Book Day

On Thursday 2nd March, all pupils in Years 8 – 10 will be reading throughout the school day to mark World Book Day.  502 pupils will receive a free book to enjoy and anyone who finishes his novel may swap it for a new title!

Specific subjects - History, Geography, RE and English – will set aside normal class work to let KS3 pupils read for pleasure. Sit back, open a book and read!



Boys' Model Garden Growers & QUB

Queen's Architecture students are working alongside North Belfast Alternatives to kickstart a restorative education programme within BBMS and the community that surrounds it. The programme offers the chance for community members to work together with pupils in creating a social enterprise that involves vegetable growing and harvesting with the hope of eventually distributing their crops to local group members such as Good Morning Ballysillan. 

Day 1 : The pupils came along with our group of Queen's students to clean out and organise the disused greenhouse as well as learning to photograph the site so you get the most from the image and measuring up the space available. 

Day 2 : The pupils sanded down and painted the wooden batons that make the table tops within the greenhouse space to fit with the colour scheme, they also decided upon a name for the project 'BM Garden Growers' and a slogan that they felt suited their community and the project's ultimate aim - 'Keep 'er green'.

This story will be updated as the boys progress through the programme.  


Year 10 Mood Matters

Pupils from Year 10 took part in a ‘Mood Matters’ workshop this week which aimed to raise awareness of mental health issues.  These sessions, facilitated by Aware, covered topics such as stress, coping strategies and where to get help if required.  Pupils also had an opportunity to discuss what ‘mental health’ is and how to look after their own mental and emotional well-being.”

Museum of Orange Visit

All pupils from 9Wa and 9Hs went to the Museum of Orange where they participated in a day of activities organised by the museum.  Pupils learnt about the origins of the Orange Order and participated  in a cultural/identity workshop.  Finally, all pupils received a guided tour of the Museum galleries and viewed artefacts relating to the Williamite and Jacobite period in Ireland, the 18th and 19th century events in Ireland, Orangeism around the world to modern day Northern Ireland. It was a very insightful day and will be very useful when we are learning about the Williamite Wars later this term. 

Somme Centre Visit

10KB and 10BN went to visit the Somme Centre as part of their understanding of the First World War.  They got a guided tour of the museum and participated in a workshop which demonstrated various types of weapons that would have been used by soldiers in the trenches from 1914-1918.  Finally, they had an educational talk on Ireland’s role in the First World War, which included the 10th and 16th Irish Divisions as well as the 36th Ulster Division.  Pupils were brought back to 1914 and learnt how men were recruited, trained and lived in the trenches.  

Bring IT on NI

#BringITOnNI Mr. Patterson's A-Level Computing Class visited Belfast Met today, attending the Speed Networking Event.  They met Careers representatives from a wide range of ICT Companies to see the variety of jobs that are available in this industry.  

Congratulations to Nathanael Glass of 13SA on winning the Power Bank.