Anti Bullying Ambassador Logo

Our Ambassadors range from Junior School to Senior School. Our aim is to promote the Anti-Bullying message to ensure our school is safe and welcoming environment for all.

What are Anti-Bullying Ambassadors?

Click on the PDF icon to find out about our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

What is Bullying?

The repeated use of power to intentionally harm or hurt someone.

What Types of Bullying Exist?

Bullying generally takes on one of three forms: physical, verbal, indirect:

  • Physical: hitting, kicking, punching, stealing or hiding belongings, pulling hair, sexual assault.

  • Verbal: name-calling, teasing, taunts, threatening language, nasty comments, offensive and/or sexual remarks.

  • Indirect: cyber-bullying, dirty looks, excluding from groups, graffiti, malicious gossip, starting or spreading rumours, intimidation.

Where can Bullying happen?

Bullying can happen anywhere: at school, in the community and even in the home. Bullying is NOT part of growing up and can have a negative effect on the physical and emotional well-being of all involved.

Bullying behaviour creates an atmosphere of fear and many people are too afraid to do anything if they see someone being bullied.

We aim to encourage and inspire all of our pupils to feel that they have a part to play in creating a safe and welcoming school to learn, achieve and succeed.

How bullies can make you feel…

  • No-one should ever feel ashamed about being bullied. It is important to remember it is NOT your fault.

  • Bullying is very difficult to deal with by yourself

  • Bullies can make people feel alone and frightened

  • You may even feel telling someone will make the situation worse

  • Bullies thrive on secrecy and silence, this is exactly what a bully wants you to believe.

We want you to know that you should never have to feel like this and we are always there for you.

You can contact our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors using


Twitter page: @bbms_antibully

No problem is too big or too small. The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors will ensure they provide as much help and assistance as they can for every email or message they receive.

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Are you Bullying someone

Anyone can be a bully, but the important thing to remember is ‘we all have a choice’. 

If you make the decision to call someone names, hurt them physically, take their friends away or direct any other type of bullying behaviour towards them, it may feel funny and make you feel ‘big’ amongst your friends, but the consequences of those actions are far deeper than you could imagine.

It’s never too late to change - there’s a better person inside everyone. Be someone that you can be proud of by being a good citizen. Be a good friend and help build someone up rather than try to pull them down.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Bystanders play an important role in helping to stop bullying. If you see bullying happening, don’t participate. Please speak up and tell someone. Help put a stop to the problem so it does not grow into something bigger.

Helpful Bystanders

Bystanders can easily prevent or stop bullying by either intervening directly and defending the victim or taking the victim away from the scene of the bullying, like asking a cyber-bullying victim to step away from the conversation or log off. They can also get help by rallying support from peers or reporting the incident to the authorities whether at school or online.

Further Help

The following links will help to offer advice and guidance about bullying and how to beat it.

Anti-Bullying Alliance website:

Diana Award Anti-Bullying website: