Share the Road to Zero

Members of the emergency services joined the Minister for Infrastructure, Mr Chris Hazzard as he addressed senior pupils launching the Road Safety Pledge. 

Constable John Wilson then gave an interactive, fun, but hard hitting presentation on the risks and our responsibilities as road users.

The event culminated in all senior school pupils signing the pledge, committing to being responsible drivers, passengers or pedestrians.

What is Share the Road to Zero?

In 2012 the number of road deaths in Northern Ireland reached its lowest level since records began in 1931. However, every road death is one too many. Over 95% of crashes where someone is killed or seriously injured are due to human error, so road deaths are preventable. Share the Road to Zero is a huge community programme with one aim - zero road deaths in Northern Ireland.

SF Digital

Paul is a vetted Squarespace Expert and a Leader of the Squarespace Circle Community where he tries to inspire and engage a vibrant community of creatives. Paul studied Software Engineering as well as Electronic Engineering at University, and Photography at College, before working in a variety of exciting roles in the creative industry before he founded SF Digital, building trusted products to help Squarespace creatives increase sales, engage visitors and improve user experience for their clients.