FISCA Winners

There have been great celebrations this week as we have enjoyed more success in the music department.  Our joint choir with Mercy College has won the Flax Trust Inter-Community School Choir Award.  This competition took place on Thursday 15th December in City Hall, Belfast with Mr Noel Thompson, BBC as compere for the evening. 16 primary and post-primary schools participated, each singing 2 contrasting songs.  Each choir received a musical and vocal workshop, they also learnt new music and engaged in activities which promote inter-relations, confidence and team building.  Twenty of our boys joined with twenty girls from Mercy College and sang Africa - Toto, as well as, Starry, Starry Night - Don McLean.  Our choir was presented with the George Quigley Cup for Most Accomplished Senior Choir and we were awarded a cheque for £500.

We are extremely proud of all of the pupils involved and would like to thank them for their commitment and hard work in preparation for this event.
The boys involved were:Marcus McCullough, Connor Smyth, Aaron Nutt, Curtis Stewart, Justin Devlin, Jordan Glasgow, Glenn Doherty, David Irvine, Daniel McCalmont, Georgie Boyd, Lewis Lavery, John Parker, Trafford Millar, Luke Martin, Ethan Horner, Owen Linton, Bradley Mitchell, Carter Stewart and Brandon Bradford.