Amazing Brains

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Amazing Brains are an organisation renowned for their expertise in equipping young people with the study skills required for preparation in public examinations. Over the next few weeks and months our Year 11 & 12 students will have the opportunity to take part in high impact, interactive workshops where they will receive innovative resources to help them learn how their brain works, how they can develop a growth mind-set and how to use evidence-based study strategies to revise effectively and ultimately succeed in exams.

At BBMS we recognise the important role that parents play in this process and with that in mind will be hosting a parents Training Seminar for parents of Year 11 students on Tuesday 23rd January 2018 from 7pm until 8.30pm in the assembly hall. Representatives from Amazing brains will be delivering that training.

The aims of the evening will be to:

  • Inform you of the current research on the brain and learning
  • Equip you with the knowledge and skills to feel more confident about supporting your child with homework and exams
  • Give you the opportunity to speak with like-minded parents who share similar problems and stresses that relate to school and exams
  • Provide you with a useful resource booklet that will reinforce learning and will be a valuable guide containing practical information and useful tips to continue to support your child.

We look forward to seeing you all.