Area Plan for Belfast Boys' Model School

You may be aware that the Education Authority has produced a three year Area Plan for Post-Primary Education across Northern Ireland.  As part of this plan it has been proposed that Belfast Boys’ Model School should be allowed to expand to meet the needs of the communities it serves.

A PDF copy of the Development Proposal for our school is at the bottom of this piece.  In short, the proposal is that starting from September 2019, our Year 8 admissions limit should be raised from 151 to 200 and eventually, our enrolment limit would be raised from 905 to 1250.

This proposal has now been passed by the Education Authority to proceed to the first stage of consultation, that is with parents, pupils, staff and school governors.  I would urge you to make a response to this proposal (indicating your approval or otherwise is sufficient).  For your convenience, we have posted a copy of the response document along with an addressed envelope to each parent.  This can be posted directly to EA or returned to the school. Alternatively the PDF electronic copy can be accessed below and forwarded to EA or returned to school.

Thank you for your cooperation in this.

Area Plan