Mindsight - "Being Well, Well Being"


MindSight is a student company consisting of a group of Year 13 pupils from the Belfast Boys’ Model School and Mercy College Belfast, who are taking part in the Young Enterprise Programme. From the beginning, they wanted to address a problem and after many hours of research they chose to tackle Mental Health. What they found was that Mental Health is an “Umbrella Term” for so many other issues. Northern Ireland is the worst affected by Mental Health issues in the whole of the UK and Europe. 1 in every 2 people are believed to have a Mental Health issue. To raise awareness around mental health they have chosen to make an app, which is available now on the IOS App Store and the Android Google Play Store.

Back in November the team partnered with leading Mental Health Charity ‘Inspire’ and the ‘Change Your Mind’ Campaign. This partnership is invaluable to the pupils, they have helped provide information, contacts and even products. The Belfast Boys’ Model School became the first school to host an Inspiration Point through the work of the MindSight pupils. This resource allows everyone, not just pupils and staff to have access to regularly updated information on a range of Mental Health issues. It’s hoped that by the Belfast Boys’ Model School taking on this role it would encourage more schools to do the same. Change Your Mind also decided to make two  pupils - Lewis Robinson and Theo Burton, Change Your Mind Champions, for their work on breaking the stigmas around Mental Health.

 In December, the pupils attended the Young Enterprise Big Market at St George’s Market. This was their first chance to meet with the public, showcase their app and sell some products, which helped with initial fundraising. Once again, they would like to thank everyone who came along and gave us support. Year 13 pupil Dylan McAlister featured on BBC Radio Ulster to talk about the YE Big Market whilst Lewis Robinson and Theo Burton featured on BBC Newsline as part of the BBC Loneliness Program.

The App is providing NHS approved information this ensures users around the world are not mislead and all information is checked by their Mental Health specialist partner companies. Through the MindSight app users can access a number of resources, including information on Mental Health issues, a conversation starter kit, how to recognise the signs of a Mental Health issue and a simplified version of the Warwick Edinburgh Test which is used by medical specialist to evaluate a person’s Mental Health. There’s much more in the app, and more to come which users can explore at their own pace.

 Although the App is designed by the pupils it would not be possible without their business advisors Ross Davidson and  Peter Doak who has helped the student program and create the app along side. Currently the group are working on version 2.0 which will add more features to the app and is expected to launch in spring 2018. 

Lewis Robinson - Marketing Director

I want to be involved in MindSight to help those in need and break the stigmas of Mental Health”

Theo Burton – Managing Director

“Mental Health is the root of both problems and positives and it needs to be monitored closely”
