
Following the Translink Safety Bus visit with our Year 8 pupils last week, Mr Mathers saw a great opportunity to help those in need in our community and the whole of Northern Ireland by helping them with their Stuff-A-Bus campaign. Translink told Mr Mathers that 10,000 children in Northern Ireland will receive nothing this Christmas, but with our help will have a chance of a happy and festive Christmas. Translink stuffed a bus last year with 10,000 presents an this year are going to stuff a double decker with 15.000.

The Boys’ Model and its community are going to fill a minibus and deliver it to the U105 Roadshow, with Translink, at Smyth’s Toys on Boucher Road on Tuesday 18th December.

Please donate any gift or a money towards purchasing gifts to the school. Pupils can give donations to their Form Teacher. The Pupil Support Team are ‘on-board’ and are working with pupils over the coming 2 weeks to raise funds. We will be having ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ and Movie and Munch Day.

Mrs Hammond has also contacted local businesses and we are very grateful to Stanley from the shop across from the school who has made a very kind donation and has set the bar high. Any business wishing to also make a donation, please contact the school on 02890391156.

