BBC Young Reporter NI at BBMS

Today, BBC Younger Reporter NI was in school filming eight Year 10 and Year 11 pupils talking about their favourite books, the impact these books have had on their childhood and why reading is so important to them. These interviews are going to form part of a short film, promoting Book Week NI which is taking place from the 14th October- 20th October 2019.

Book Week NI is a joint initiative, arising from the partnership between BBC Northern Ireland and Libraries NI and the event is now going into its fourth year.

The focus this year is on inspiring people of all ages to discover or rediscover the joy of reading by pledging to read for 15 minutes during and preferably throughout the week.

Please encourage your son to read at home. This could be magazines, graphic novels or non-fiction books. Reading, even for 10-15 minutes a day, can help your son develop his literacy skills.