Stuff-a-Bus Campaign

The stuff-a-bus campaign returns to Belfast Boys’ Model. After the incredible success of last year, Belfast Boys’ Model is once again helping Translink as they aim to fill a double decker bus with even more presents this year.....they have increased their target from 15,000 last year and have set themselves a new target of 20,000 presents this year.

Our Aim:

The Boys’ Model and its community are going to fill a minibus and deliver it to the U105 Roadshow, with Translink, at Smyth’s Toys on Boucher Road on Wednesday 18th December.

How we can help....

Please donate any gift or a money towards purchasing gifts to the school. Pupils can give donations to their Form Teacher. The Pupil Support Team are ‘on-board’ and are working with pupils over the coming 2 weeks to raise funds. We will be having ballot in school to win a sweetie hamper, get your tickets quick!

Any business wishing to also make a donation, please contact the school on 02890391156.

Let’s make this year’s collection even better than last year.

Pictures of last year’s incredible collection have been included.