Form Class Challenge

Hi Gentlemen,

I hope you are all keeping well, during these strange times we find ourselves in and I am sure by now you are all missing school - I can assure you all the staff of BBMS miss seeing you around the school building. 

I know that Teams has been used as a portal for Form Teachers to contact you. I will be using it to set some fun tasks and challenges which hopefully will bring a bit of laughter to your day, but there will also be plenty of opportunity to win prizes such as vouchers for Google, Amazon or Dominos. 

I will upload the criteria for prizes in a folder labelled Form Class Challenge along with a timetable of what will take place each week. Challenges/tasks will be issued as Assignments and will take place both daily and weekly.  

When uploading evidence of completing a challenge you must upload again in the Assignment area within your Microsoft Team Form Class page. This prevents anyone else seeing you complete the challenge except for myself, your form teacher, Counsellor and HOY.  

Evidence of completing a task must come in the form of a picture or a video clip, however, there might be times when a video clip might be more appropriate depending on the challenge, but you can use whatever means you are more comfortable with. I must stress that you remember to upload only appropriate material to the Form Class Teams page.  Unless you wish for myself and Mr McClelland to call to your door which I can assure you there will be little social distancing going on if that happens! 

Each day you will have two challenges/tasks to complete and each are worth 10 points. For those who you who perform really well in the challenges you will gain additional points and at the end of each week the top 3 performers across Key Stage 3 will be announced receiving a £10 voucher of their choice (Google, Amazon or Dominos).  There will also be a special Monty's Model Bonus prize given to the pupil who performs best in a specific challenge and will be identified at the beginning of each week. 

If you need any clarification or need help understanding what you need to do when completing any of the challenges, please just post me a message in teams and I will respond to you ASAP!

Keep safe everyone, #BBMSfamily

Mr Walker