GCSE Results Class Collection Times - Thursday 20th August

GCSE Results will be available for collection on Thursday 20th August for our Year 12 pupils at the following times:

8.30am – 12Cg and 12Ts
8.45am – 12Sr and 12Rb
9.00am – 12Lh and 12Hs
9.15am – 12Nr and 12Wa
9.30am – 13Pa

All pupils should enter via the PE doors at the side of the building. Social distancing measures will be in place and a one way system will be in operation. Please arrive at the allocated time and we ask that only pupils enter the building to collect results.

All pupils must complete a Leavers Destination form on the day. They must also ensure that they make an appointment for a return to school interview, if they have met the criteria. There will also be careers advice and guidance available.

Thank you for your support and good luck.