Post 16 Results Thursday 13th August 2020

A2 Grades will be available to collect from school on Thursday 13th August for our Year 14 pupils at the following times:

14GC 8.30 a.m.-9.15 a.m.

14PT 9.15 a.m.- 10.00 a.m.

14SM 10.00 a.m. – 10.45 a.m.

All Year 14 pupils should arrive via the back doors of the Sports Hall. Please arrive at the time allocated and follow signage to ensure there is a safe environment.  Social distancing and hygiene measures will be in place and for these reasons, we ask that only pupils enter the building to collect results. Careers advice and guidance can be facilitated, where required.  We look forward to seeing you to support you with decision-making and hope that you have had a safe and enjoyable summer.

For Year 13, AS grades will be emailed to pupils on Thursday 13th August and return to school interview times/return to school dates will be communicated following results day.

Details will be sent in a letter early next week.


Ms Farquhar

Assistant Principal