Careers in Action

13PA pupils excelled themselves on their work experience placements this week. Employers were very impressed by their work ethic, skills and attitude. Some pupils have even been offered future employment!

It has been a fantastic week for the Careers Department in school, with the Year 10 Raising Aspirations event last Friday and the highly successful Mock Interviews and Work Shadowing placements for our Year 13 pupils this week. Along with their qualifications, these opportunities help our pupils to develop the transferable skills that all employers and higher and further education providers require, so helping them to be successful in their future pathway.

We are very grateful for the support of all the employers who gave up their time to come to any of these events or gave our pupils the chance to experience the work place - thank-you again! We are looking forward to seeing many of you at our Careers Convention on the 22nd February #wesucceed #developingnewskills #employerconnections