Spring Concert

The Music Department held their Spring Concert on Tuesday 30th April. It showcased a wealth of musical talent, including African drummers, Snare drummers, the Guitar Group, DJing, a trumpet solo, the FISCA choir with Mercy College and vocal solos from Glenn Doherty 12Kb and Jackson Allen 10Hn. A large number of boys participated who have taken lessons throughout the year. We are extremely proud of all of the commitment shown by these pupils as they attend lessons each week and develop their musical skills. Many thanks to our tutors, Mr John Gillen (drums) and Mr Geoff Atkinson (guitar) for all of their hard work in teaching the boys. Also, thanks to Mrs Magee and the pupils from Mercy College for coming to sing their winning songs ‘Gospel Medley’ and ‘A Million Dreams.’ Well done to all who took part and we look forward to seeing our musical skills develop further!