Rugby Matches this week....

Year 9

The Year 9 rugby team enjoyed a match against Belfast Royal Academy today. Conditions were perfect for running rugby and both teams obliged, moving the ball quickly in an expansive game.

Scores were tied at half time after a great Model team try, finished by Jack and an excellent individual effort from Jay.

A more experienced Academy side took the spoils with 2 late tries in a competitive and enjoyable fixture.

Year 10

For the Year 10 Rugby team today’s match against Bangor Academy was the first match of the season, and for some the first match for Boys’ Model. In an end to end first half Daniel Botagan scored for the Model with a great run around the Bangor defence to score in the left corner.

Powerful runs from Christian Chrich and Andrew Thompson helped the team charge forward in the tightly contented areas of the pitch, but unfortunately some slick passing and runs led to several tries later in the half and this continued in the second half.

It was a good effort from the Year 10 team and we look forward to the next game.